Sunday, May 1, 2016

How To Make White Sauce

butter - 2 tbl.sp
refined flour/maida - 2 tbl.sp
onion - 1/2 small
cloves - 3 to 4
bay leaf - 1
milk - 1 cup big
salt and pepper as per taste

Take onion and insert 3 to 4 cloves into it and also take bay leaf.
Heat milk in a pan. Add this onion and bayleaf into the milk and bring it to boil. This will give a nice flavour to the milk.
When it boils, off the flame and remove onion and bay leaf.  let it become little warm.
In a pan add two table spoon of butter and heat it on a low flame then add slowly slowly white flour and keep on stirring it continuously. The raw smell of the refined flour should go and see that it doesn't get burnt.
Now gradually start adding milk and keep on stirring it continously. See that no lumps are formed. When it becomes thick. Off the flame and let it cool down. You can use this while making pasta and variety of dishes. Keep in a container and store it in a refrigerator.


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