Friday, September 9, 2016

Dry Nuts Modak

walnut, almond and cashewnut take in small quantities
dry coconut - 50 gm
dates - 200 gm
poppy seed - 1 tbl.sp
jaggery - 50 gm or as per taste
cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
raisins - 2 tbl.sp

Dry roast nuts and grated dry coconut seprately and coarsely make a powder of it.
Heat 2 tbl.sp of butter in a pan and add raisins, cook till it puffs up. Then addpaste of dates, jaggery, poppy seeds, cardamom . Mix well and cook for 2 minutes. Then add the blended powder. Mix well and cook again for 2 minutes. Remove and let it cool down.
Take a modak mould and stuff this mixture inside it and close. Open and take out dry nuts modak. Serve.

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