Saturday, June 28, 2014

Vegetable Quesadilla

onion - 1
chopped garlic flakes - 4 to 5
tomato - 2
sliced cabbage and capsicum
boiled and mashed corn - 1 cup
boiled and mashed kidney beans/rajma - 1 cup
mixed herbs - 1 tsp
grated cheese
salt and pepper as per taste

Heat oil in a pan and add chopped garlic and saute for few seconds without changing its color. Then add onion, tomato, corn, kidney bean, mixed herb(optional), cabbage and capsicum and salt and pepper and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. The vegetables should not be overcooked, it should be crunchy.
Take chapati, spread this mixture on it and you can even add sour cream or salsa to enhance the taste and then roll it. Cut into half and serve.

Molten Lava Cake

all purpsse flour - 30gm
butter - 100 egg - 1
powdered sugar - 100 gm
cocoa powder - 3 tbl.sp
coffee powder - 1 tsp
chocolate bar - 33 gm
pinch of baking powder
pinch of baking soda

Melt butter and chocolate bar in a double boiler.
Sieve together all purpose flour, cocoa powder, coffee powder, baking powder and baking soda and keep aside.

Add sugar  and eggto the butter and chocolate mixture and whisk till it becomes creamy and fluffy.
Fold powdered ingredients gradually and pour in a baking muffin mould and bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

When it cools down, you will see chocolate lava oozing out from it.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Muga Gathi

sprouted green gram/moong - 2 cups
red chilli powder = 1 tsp
corriander powder - 1 tsp
pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
tamarind extract - 2 tsp
salt as per taste
paste of 2 tbl.sp of freshly grated coconut and green chilli
few chopped cashewnuts
corriander leaves for garnishing

for tampering
mustard seed - 1 tsp
asafoetida - a pinch
few curry leaves

Take a pan and add all the ingredients given except corriander leaves and tamarind extract.
Add little water and cook till the sprouts softens. When done, add tamarind extract and mix well. Cook for 2 more minutes.

Tamper it with mustard seeds, asafoetida and curry leaves and garnish with corriander leaves. Serve hot with rice or roti.

Easy and Cheesy Spinach Corn Toast


finely chopped spinach - 1 cup
boiled corn - 1 cup
garlic flakes choppped -3 to 4
green chilli/pepper powder as per taste
salt as per taste

Heat oil in a pan, add chopped garlic and green chilli and saute for few seconds.  Then add spinach and corn and stir fry till spinach is cooked. Add salt as per taste. Remove and leave it to cool.
Take bread slices, spread one spoon of this mixture on it and garnish with grated cheese. Cover with another bread slice and apply little butter on both the sides. Toast till golden brown in color.
Serve hot.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sprouted Moong and Spinach Dhokla

chopped spinach leaves - 1 cup
sprouted moong - 1 cup
besan/chickepeas flour - 1/2 cup
semolina /rava - 1/2 cup
paste of ginger and green chilli - 1 tsp
yoghurt - 3 tbl.sp
sugar - 1 tsp
eno fruit salt - 1 tsp
salt as per taste

for tampering
sesame seeds - 1 tsp
pinch of asafoetida
few curry leaves

Blend together all the ingredients given except eno fruit salt and make a dosa like batter by adding little water.
steam it for 10 minutes and then cut into pieces when cool down.
Heat oil in a pan, and tamper it with sesame seeds, asafoetida and curry leaves and serve with dates and tamarind chutney.

Monday, June 16, 2014

How To Make Easy and Tasty Biryani

rice - 1 kg
chicken - 500 gm to 750 gm
ginger garlic paste - 1 tbl.sp
7 to 8 onions fried till golden brown in color
chopped potatoes (optional) - 3 to 4
puree of 3 tomatoes
yoghurt - 2 tbl.sp
slit green chilli - 3 to 4 or as per taste
chilli powder - 1 tsp
corriander powder - 2 tbl.sp
roasted cumin powder - 1 tsp
garam masala - 1 tsp
small broken piece of star aniseed
half of mace
salt as per taste
few corriander and mint leaves

for garnishing
few corriander and mint leaves
fried onion
saffron soaked in milk
saffron yellow color
kewra essence/rose water - 1 tsp
garam masala - 1 tsp
ghee/butter - 1 tsp

Wash and soak rice in water for half an hour.
Clean and wash chicken pieces and combine with all the ingredients given. Leave it to marinate for an hour.

Heat 2 to 3 tbl.sp of oil in a pan and add the marinated chicken to it. Cover and cook till half done. Keep stirring in between and see that when the gravy becomes little thick, you can add little water.

In another pan, take enough water for the rice, add 2 bay leaf, 1 inch cinnamon stick, 4 cloves, 1 tsp cumin seed, one tsp of oil and keep for boiling. when it starts boiling, add rice and cook till the rice is 75 percent cooked..
Drain the water from the rice.
Take a vessel, first place little rice at the bottom, then the chicken masala and then the rice. Keep a flat pan at the bottom of the vessel so the masala doesn't burn.
garnish with corriander and mint leaves, fried onion, saffron soaked in milk, saffron yellow color, kewra essence, little ghee or butter, garam masala.
Either seal the cover with maida dough or cover it with aluminium foil. Simmer on a low flame for 10 to 15 minutes til the rice is very well cooked.
Serve hot with yoghurt raita.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Chicken kabab with Tomato Salsa and Yoghurt Spread Roll

for making chicken kabab
chicken keema - 500 gm
ginger garlic paste - 1 1/2 tsp
red chilli powder - 2 tsp
corriander powder - 2 tsp
roasted cumin powder - 1 tsp
garam masala- 1/2 tsp 
turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
salt as per taste
egg - 1
half of lemon
few corriander leaves

for tomato salsa
tomato - 3
onion - 1
garlic flakes - 3 to 4
green chilli - 2
half of lemon
few corriander leaves
salt as per taste

for yoghurt spread
hung curd - 1 cup
sour cream - 2 tbl.sp
red chilli powder - 1 tsp
salt as per taste

few cabbage leaves

first make kabab by combining all the ingredients given and shallow fry in oil.

make tomato salsa by mixing all the ingredients given and keep aside.

In the same way make yoghurt spread by combining all the ingredients given.

Now take a chapati, first spread yoghurt on it, then place few thinly sliced cabbages, put 2 spoon of tomato salsa and break the chicken kabab and put on the salsa. Roll it and serve.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Mutton Haleem Recipe


boneless mutton - 300 gm
broken wheat/barley - 200 gm
mixed dal (all in small quantity) - masoor dal, moong dal, tuvar dal, chana dal)
fried onions - 4 medium sixe
ginger garlic paste - 3 tbl.sp
green chilli - 3 to 4
red chillli powder - 2 tsp
corriander powder - 3 tbl.sp
cumin powder - 3 tsp
turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
garam masala - 1 tsp
yoghurt - 1/2 cup
tomato = 4
corriander and mint leaves
salt as per taste

soak all the dal and  broken wheat for an hour and then pressure cook it till soft. Lightly mash it and keep aside. In another pan, heat oil and butter and add ginger garlic paste, saute till the raw smell goes and then add mutton pieces and cook on a high flame for 2 to 3 minutes. then add green chilli, red chilli powder, corriander powder, cumin powder, yoghurt, tomato, turmeric powder, half of fried onions and corriander and mint leaves and salt.Mix well and either pressure cook till 3 to 4 whistle or cook in a vessel for one hour on a slow flame.
Remove and blender it with a hand blender.  Mix with the dal, add little water if it is too thick.
Sprinkle garam masala on top.
Leave it to simmer on a low flame for 2 to 3 minutes.Remove in a serving plate and garnish with ginger juliennes, fried onions, corrriander and mint leaves and a slice of lemon.

Shahi Aloo


Potato/baby potato - 1/2 kg
bay leaf - 1
cumin seed - 1 tsp
ginger garlic paste - 1 1/2 tsp
yoghurt - 1 cup
red chilli powder - 1 tsp
corriander powder - 1 tsp
turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
garam masala - 1/2 tsp
corriander leaves for garnishing

make a paste of
14 to 15 cashewnuts
poppy seed - 1 tsp (soak this in water for an hour)

Cut potatoes into desired shape and deep fry in oil and keep aside.
heat a pan, add oil and when hot, add bay leaf and cumin seed.
when the seeds start to splutter, add cashewnut paste and yoghurt and keep on stirring it or else the youghurt will curdle.'
Then add chilli powder, corriander powder, turmeric powder, garam masala and bring it to boi.
when it starts boiling, add fried potatoes and leave it to simmer on a low flame for a minute.
Garnish with corriander leaves and serve hot with naan or roti.

Garlic Egg Fried Rice

Garlic Egg Fried Rice

cooked rice - 3 cups
eggs - 2
soya sauce - 1 tsp
garlic flakes - 3 to 4 chopped
ginger - 1/2 inch grated
green chilli - 1
spring onion bulbs - 1 cup
salt and pepper as per taste
spring onion leaves for garnishing

Heat oil in a wok, add onions and saute till translucent. Then add garlic, ginger and green chilli and cook till the raw smell goes. Add soya sauce and eggs and scramble it. when eggs are cooked, add cooked rice, toss it, season it with salt and pepper. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes and then remove in a serving plate and garnish with spring onion leaves.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Rosemary Garlic Chicken

Boneless chicken breast
rosemary herb - 1 tsp/fresh rosemary leaves - 1 tbl.sp
half of lemon
chopped garlic - 4 to 5
salt and pepper as per taste
olive oil 

Marinate chicken breast with all the ingredients given and leave it for 10 minutes.
This you can shallow fry it on a pan or roast in an oven till done.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How To Make Stiff Egg White Peak


Egg white - 2

Take a dry glass, steel or copper bowl. Put egg whites of 2 eggs and blend it with a whisker or with a hand blender till it becomes stiff and frothy and does not fall even you turn it upside down.

Use this for making royal icing, or for many sweet and savory dishes.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Prawns 65

Prawns 65


Prawns - 1/2 kg

for marination

cornflour - 1 tbl.sp

red chilli powder - 1 tsp

pepper powder - 1/2 tsp

turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp

salt as per taste

food colour

for tampering

green chilli - 2

crushed ginger - 1 tsp

crushed garlic - 1 tsp

few curry leaves


First clean and wash the prawns and marinate with the given ingredients. Leave it for an hour. 

Deep fry in hot oil and remove on a tissue paper. In the same pan, heat oil, add few curry leaves, ginger, garlic and slit green chillies, when the color of ginger garlic changes, add the fried  prawns and mix well. Remove in a serving bowl, sprinkle lemon juice on top and garnish with spring onion leaves.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Creamy and Cheesy Spinach Pasta


cooked pasta

Small bunch of spinach leaves

garlic flakes - 4 to 5

mixed herbs - 1 tsp

basil herb - 1 tsp or fresh basil leaves

cream cheese - 1 tbl.sp

cream - 1 tbl.sp

milk - 1 cup

salt  and pepper as per taste


wash and chop spinach leaves finely.

Heat butter in a pan, add chopped garlic and saute for a few minutes, do not let it brown. Add finely chopped spinach leaves, mixed herbs, basil and stir fry for a minute. Add cooked pasta, cream cheese, cream and salt and pepper. Stir well, add one cup of milk, again give a stir and cook for a minute. Remove in a serving bowl, you can garnish it with grated cheese on top.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

How To Make Roasted Garlic


Garlic Bulb - 1

Olive oil


Cut the head of garlic bulb and place it on a foil.

Drizzle little oil on it and  bake it in the oven at 180 degree celcius for  half an hour till the color changes and it becomes soft.

Roasted Potato with Rosemary and Garlic


Potatoes - 4 to 5

garlic flakes - 7

rosemary herbs or fresh rosemary leaves - 1 tbl.sp

olive oil - 1 tbl.sp

salt and pepper as per taste


chop garlic finely.

Make thin long slices of potatoes.

In a bowl, combine together all the ingredients and bake in the oven at 180 degree celcius for half an hour or more till it is completely cooked and has become soft.  Serve hot.