Saturday, July 6, 2013

Refrigerator Cookies

Unsalted butter – 4 tbl.sp
Powdered Sugar – ½ cup
Baking soda – ¼ tsp
Refined flour/maida – 2 cup
Salt – ½ tsp
Vanilla essence – 1 tsp
Cinnamon powder – ½ tsp

Sieve refined flour, baking soda, cinnamon powder and salt.
Beat together unsalted butter, powdered sugar and vanilla essence until creamy.
Gradually add flour mixture and knead it like dough.
Divide it into two balls and roll it like roti.
From one end star rolling in a circular motion and cover it with a plastic or butter paper.
Refrigerate it overnight.

Next day, cut into thin round slices. Greased the tray with butter and bake it in the oven for about fifteen minutes.

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