Sunday, August 18, 2013

Apple Cinnamon Pudding

Bread – 7 to 8 coarsely blended
Milk – ½ litre
Eggs - 3
Sugar – 1 cup or as per taste
Apple – 2 cups peeled and diced
Cinnamon powder – 1 tsp
Vanilla essence – 1 tsp
Few raisins
Butter – 3 tbl.sp

For caramel
Sugar – 2 tbls.p
Water – 2 tsp
Caramelize sugar by adding sugar and water in a pan and heat it on a low flame stirring it continousley till it turns golden brown in color.
Pour in a pudding mould and leave it to cool.
In another bowl, whisk together milk, butter, egg, sugar, vanilla essence, cinnamon powder, to this add bread crumbs and diced apples. Stir to mix properly.
Cover it with an aluminum foil and steam it in a pressure cooker for half an hour.
Prick with a tooth pick, if it comes out clean, then it is done.

Remove and leave it to cool at room temperature. Then refrigerate it and serve chill.

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